Dancing for Birth™️
Thursday: 7:15pm to 8:30pm
Dancing For Birth™ class is your ‘trifecta’ of birth preparation. It’s feel-good prenatal fitness, childbirth education, and celebration of pregnancy, birth, and parenting, all rolled into one amazing class that supports you from pre-conception through postpartum and beyond.
For pregnancy:
Dancing For Birth™ class nurtures your healthy pregnancy during all three trimesters as it enhances your emotional and physical wellbeing. You will learn different ways to cope with your pregnancy and labour while learning helpful childbirth education along the way! Move, laugh, relax and build confidence as you prepare for your birth!
For the postpartum phase:
Dancing For Birth™ class includes postpartum fitness, and a welcoming community of new parents. Wear your baby to class for mutual health benefits and bonding. Attending DFB classes after birth is also a great way to connect with other moms, and moms-to-be